II Congresso de Ornitologia das Americas


Organizers: Donald J. Brightsmith (Texas A&M University) & Erica Pacifico (Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo)

“Parrot reintroductions: pitfalls and advances”
Luis Fábio Silveira (Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo)

"Reintroduction of vinaceous-breasted parrot (Amazona vinacea) at the Araucárias National Park, Brazil: 13 years of socioeconomic and environmental impacts”
Vanessa Kanaan (Instituto Espaço Silvestre)

“Ongoing results of the Lear’s Macaw release and monitoring project recovering a functionally extinct population.”
Erica C. Pacifico (Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo)

"El regreso del Guacamayo Rojo a los Esteros del Iberá: camino recorrido y aprendizajes”
Marianela Massat (Fundación Rewilding Argentina)

"Minimizing potential Allee effects in psittacine reintroductions”
Thomas White (United States Fish and Wildlife Service, USA)

"Studies of parrots’ behavior in captivity applied to reintroduction programs”
Aline Cristina Sant'Anna (Department of Zoology, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil)

"Successful Repopulation of the Grey-breasted Parakeet in Serra da Aratanha through Translocation”
Fabio Nunes (AQUASIS)

"Nature, Nurture, and Parrot reintroductions”
Carlos de Araujo (Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana)

"Changing History: Bringing an extinct parrot (Spix’s macaw) back to its wild roots”
Cromwell Purchase (Association for the Conservation of Threatened Parrots, Brazil)

"From the Ideal to the Unreleasable: Novel ways to address the big problems facing parrot reintroduction”
Donald J. Brightsmith ( Texas A&M University)

" IUCN, CITES, and Symposium summary”
Donald J. Brightsmith & Erica Pacifico
Organizers: Francisco Voeroes Dénes (University of São Paulo) & Max Planck (Institute of Animal Behavior)

"Unraveling the migratory movements of Sporophila lineola using geolocators: revelations and challenges"
Leonardo Esteves Lopes (Universidade Federal de Viçosa)

"Tracking the Lesser Elaenia: uncovering migratory connectivity and overwintering sites in Brazil"
André de Carmargo Guaraldo (Universidade Federal do Paraná)

"Unravelling the migratory pattern of a vulnerable South American passerine: the Chestnut Seedeater"
Jonas Rafael Rodrigues Rosoni (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)

"Padrão de deslocamento de fragatas (Fregata magnificens) na costa do Brasil"
Larissa S. T. da Cunha (Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho)

"Home range and habitat selection of the endangered Lear’s Macaw (Anodorhynchus leari): perspectives from movement ecology"
Fernanda Riera Paschotto (Universidade de São Paulo)

"Cathartid vulture flight behavior in the Caatinga dry-forest"
Caetano Mourão (Universidade de São Paulo)

"Symposium summary and panel: advances, challenges and future perspectives for movement ecology of birds in Brazil"
Francisco Voeroes Dénes (Universidade de São Paulo)

Organizers: Miguel Ângelo Marini (Universidade de Brasília, Brasil), Nadinni Oliveira de Matos Sousa (Ministério do Meio Ambiente e Mudança do Clima, Brasil)

"Egg collections of Neotropical birds: status and potential uses"
Miguel Ângelo Marini

"Climate change model-based scenarios show a decrease in Tyrannus egg and clutch sizes by 2100"
Marcelo Antônio de Assis

"Egg shape variation in Neotropical passerines: the role of climate and breeding ecology"
Tatiane Lima da Silva

"Seasonal variation in competition affects clutch and egg size in migratory South American landbirds"
Nadinni Oliveira de Matos Sousa

"Does altitude affect reproductive characteristics of Neotropical birds?"
Lauren Rumpel

"Eltonian gap of Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis brood parasitism: new records from museums, field and literature"
Yara Ballarini

"Symposium summary and panel: challenges and future perspectives for studies with egg collections"
Miguel Ângelo Marini

Organizers: Jéssica Sacramento da Hora Barros (Universidade Federal da Bahia) & Hipólito Denizard Ferreira Xavier (Museu Nacional/Museu de História Natural do Ceará)

"Life history and conservation of a relictual population of the Gray-breasted Parakeet (Pyrrhura griseipectus) in the Itapicuru's river estuary (Conde - BA)."
Jéssica Sacramento da Hora Barros (Universidade Federal da Bahia)

"Assessment of the extinction Gray-breasted Parakeet (Pyrrhura griseipectus): prospects for a new decade."
Hipólito Denizard Ferreira Xavier (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

"Communities and conservation of resident and migratory shorebirds"
Felipe Braga Pereira (Associação de Pesquisa e Preservação de Ecossistemas Aquáticos, Projeto Aves Migratórias do Nordeste)

"Citizen science in Fernando de Noronha: an ally in the conservation of island endemic birds"
Geisiane Maiara Tenório Sobral (Aves de Noronha, Instituto Espaço Silvestre)

Organizers: Eduardo R. Alexandrino (University of Sao Paulo), Robyn L. Bailey (Cornell University) & David N. Bonter (Cornell University)

“Supplemental feeding in Brazil: Which birds use urban and non-urban feeders?”
Eduardo R. Alexandrino (Wildlife Ecology, Management and Conservation Lab, University of São Paulo)

"Project FeederWatch: How engaging the bird feeding public can help us understand bird populations”
David N. Bonter (Cornell University)

“Does bird feeding improve the reproductive success of cavity-nesting species in the United States?”
Robyn L. Bailey (Cornell University)

"Bird feeding and tourism in Brazil: What tourists think about bird feeding”
Tatiana Pongiluppi (Brazil Birding Experts)

"Positive impact of supplementary feeding: Reintroducing the threatened Grey-breasted Parakeet in Serra da Aratanha, Ceará, Brazil”
Mateusz Styczynski (Aquasis)