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Performance of Human Pulp Stem Cells under 3D Culture of Hydrogel Modified by Proteins


Human Dental Stem Cell (hDSC) 3D culture is necessary to obtain a sufficient number of cells which allows the tissue engineering of tissues or organs in the Regenerative Medicine. However, current evidences demonstrate that cellular microenvironment direct cell behavior through influences in signaling pathways. Cells behave more like origin tissue when cultured in three-dimensional environments, once in 2D cell culture only a side of the cell’s membrane is in contact with the extracellular matrix (ECM) and neighboring cells. The growth of cells in a hydrogel 3D provides a natural environment by an additional dimension for external signals, receptor binding, ECM interactions. In fact, hydrogels are not considered a simple support scaffold but, a complex dynamic biomaterial environment.

Objetivos - Metodologia - Resultados - Discussão dos Resultados/Objectives - Methodology - Results - Discussion of Results/Objetivos - Metodología - Resultados - Discusión de los resultados

Objective: Study cell behavior under three combinations of hydrogels and proteins in vitro. Methods: Primary mesenchymal cells were obtained from molar tooth buds. Three combinations of hydrogels and proteins were used to cell culture. Namely: Hydrogels with laminin (HdxL), bone marrow (HdxBM), fibronectin (HdxF) and a control group (HdC) with only hydrogel. Proliferation and morphology were evaluated. Results: Morphologically, all groups presented calcified nodules which indicate cell differentiation. The results of cell proliferation demonstrated that HdC group had the highest cell number loss compared to the other groups, a decrease of 50% between the 7th and 28th day. In contrast, the HdxBM group showed the highest cell proliferation rate, an increase of 17,5% between the 7th and 28th day. In the same period, the HdxL group maintained the cell number and the HdxF group presented a decrease of 18,6%. Conclusion: Proteins presence in 3D cell cultures modifies interactions between culture mean and cells, influencing the cell proliferation rate of the cells under study. Future challenges involve understanding the relationship between cells and proteins for the future establishment of 3D culture with adequate properties.

Considerações Finais/Final considerations/Consideraciones finales

This work was supported by Universidade Federal São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, CNPq Productivity Scholarship (SED -307389/2015-4 level 1D; MTD306972/2015-8 level 2 INCT- National Institute of Science and Technology –Biofabrication InstituteBiofabris,CNPq, 573661/2008-1, FAPESP 08/57860-3.

Palavras-chave/Key words/Palabras clave

3D culture; hydrogel; human dental stem cells


Celulas Tronco Pluripotentes


MONICA TALARICO DUAILIBI, Jennifer Adrianne Santos, Silvio Eduardo Duailibi