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A great variety of procedures employed in esthetics medicine promote the tissular stimulation through an injury with the purpose of reverting the alterations of cutaneous ageing. One of the most notable and studied is the phenol chemical peeling, which generates a stimulus mainly fibroblastic with subsequently generation of collagen. It is a biological treatment which through a deep exfoliation, activates the cellular and plasmatic mechanisms with skin’s repair and regeneration.

Objetivos - Metodologia - Resultados - Discussão dos Resultados/Objectives - Methodology - Results - Discussion of Results/Objetivos - Metodología - Resultados - Discusión de los resultados

Based on the above-mentioned, we developed a new technic with the purpose of reverting the involutive cutaneous process through regeneration of tissue in the receptive areas, without producing the clinical alterations of dermic injury caused by a deep peeling or a resurfacing laser, nor the histologic following the dermic repair visible in these treatments.
This procedure consists of generating an important biological stimulus “in vivo” at a dermical level, through a phenolic peeling in a pinpointed small retroauricural area (donor zone). Afterwards, in an arranged in series way once a week, lumps of cellular material are removed from the mentioned area through tap with fine cannula, in order to do each time autologic implants with the obtained elements plus platelets growth factors in a dermic level, mainly facial (receiver zones).
After three implants, after 21 days of starting the treatment, the main histologycal changes are observed at a dermic level, highlightening: 1)the existence of a cellular infiltration with increase of vascularization and collagen in relation to the non treated skin, with conservation of elastic fibres, and 2)regarding the phenolic peeling a minor cellular infiltration and less production of collagen even though with fibres of similar characteristics of ordinary skin. After several sessions, is clinically visible a progressive improvement of the skin, characterized by the decrease of the wrinkles and dryness, increase of tonicity and elasticity, and filling effect. It is evident a structural and functional recovery of the skin of a regenerative kind without elements of repair, with a proper clinical-histological correlation.

Considerações Finais/Final considerations/Consideraciones finales

It is described a new therapeutic model with the application of already existing procedures, orientated towards regenerative medicine and based on foundations of cellular biology.Regarding the indicated results we attribute particular importance to the interaction among, the different cellular types coming from the implant and residents(in both cases dermic cells),the extracellular matrix and the platelets growth factors, which doubtless, also take part in the process of tissue reactivating with regeneration of cutaneous tissue without elements of repair.The activation “in vivo”,extraction and subsequent stimulation of dermic cells with PRP, as well as the implants technic, implies a work methodology with minimal manipulation applicable in clinic.It is an outpatient procedure, very simple, of quick execution, without toxicity, without risks inherent to the implantation of foreign materials, and without the participation of the laboratory, with the exception of the preparation of PRP.The fact that there are no laboratory manipulations with cultures "in vitro" to increase the cells populations and to differentiate stem cells, has the advantage of avoiding risks and not contravene current legal regulations in that regard.Besides, this treatment is tolerated in an excellent way with an important patients adhesion

Palavras-chave/Key words/Palabras clave



Cell Therapy


Prêmio Aluno Pós Doutorado/Profissional
