11º Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia Hospitalar

11º Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia Hospitalar

ExpoGramado – Centro de Feiras e Eventos - Gramado /RS | 30 de agosto a 02 de setembro de 2017

Dados do Trabalho


The influences of sociodemographics variables on Well-Being at Work and Resilience


There are many attributions of the nursing profession in hospital medical care and one of its fundamental principles is the commitment to health. Resilience and well-being at work are important phenomena to discuss health promotion in adverse contexts and quality of life related to work. The objective of this work is to understand if there is influence of the socio-demographic variables on the well-being at work and the resilience. A sample of 131 hospital nursing technicians, ages between 20 to 69 years, was employed. The theoretical models proposed were the Inventory of Well-being at Work (IBET-13) and the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA). It was possible to verify that there is no significant influence of the sociodemographic variables on the resilience index and indicators. It was possible to verify that there is a significant influence of the sociodemographic variables on the index and the indicators of well-being at work. This influence was, specifically, in the sector variable. The results found made it possible to understand the dimensions of well-being at work and resilience studies, assisting in the preparation of future validation of studies in this area of research.

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2. Universalidade, Equidade e Integralidade em Saúde - 2.2 Interdisciplinaridade na Formação e Atuação Profissional


Universidad John F. Kennedy - - Argentina


Heide Dias Abreu, Alberto José Manuel Rodriguez Blanco